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Green marsh hawk (Orthetrum sabina)

Ndok erok or capung badak or slender skimmer or green marsh hawk (Orthetrum sabina) is an animal species in the Libellulidae, medium sized dragonfly with wingspan of 60-85mm, green eyes, adults yellow to green with black stripes on the thirax and abdomen.

O. sabina has a pair of large, green eyes with black plots. A pair of transparent wings with black veins and white margins. Long white and black tail. The legs are black with green plots and have a long row of spikes.

Dlium Green marsh hawk (Orthetrum sabina)

Females and males are similar in shape, color and size, but differ in sexual characteristics. This species is known as a fierce predator that preys on other dragonflies that are larger. Predatory activity has started since the larval stage, which preys on tadpoles and small fish.

Green marsh hawk underwent an incomplete metamorphosis which lays the eggs in water to become nymphs and then larvae. Adults will take their wings and come out of the water to fly freely. Larvae can live up to three years, while adult dragonflies are only about 4 months.

Ndok erok roost not to move in bushes and dry twigs for long periods of time. They are able to catch almost all their prey with a success rate of 95 percent, and often eat butterflies and other types of dragonflies while still flying.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Euarthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Anisoptera
Family: Libellulidae
Genus: Orthetrum
Species: Orthetrum sabina
Subspecies: Orthetrum sabina ssp. sabina

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