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88.3 million metric tons irrecoverable carbon found around surf hotspots

NEWS - Surfers have a significant role to play in conservation while protecting climate-critical carbon stocks. Researchers have identified 88.3 million metric tons (Mt) of unrecoverable carbon stored in surf ecosystems, equivalent to about 1% of the world’s annual global energy-related CO2 emissions.

88.3 million metric tons irrecoverable carbon found around surf hotspots

Surf spots like Morotai Island are global allies in the fight against climate change. Planet-warming carbon is found around surf spots across the US, Australia, Indonesia and Brazil that have been identified as conservation priorities.

Researchers from Oregon State University in Oregon, the Surf Conservation Program in Honolulu, the Save The Waves Coalition in Santa Cruz, The Betty and Gordon Moore Center for Science in Arlington, and Arizona State University in Tempe report on the opportunity for social movements to cool the planet.

The forests, mangroves and wetlands around surf spots store nearly 90 Mt of “irrecoverable carbon” that stabilizes the climate and makes coastal locations valuable. Five countries account for nearly half of the stored carbon: surf spots in the US, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil and Panama.

Jacob Bukoski of Oregon State University and his team analyzed more than 4,800 popular surf spots in 113 countries and found that the surrounding area within 1 kilometer of a wave stores more than 88 Mt of irrecoverable carbon. When the surrounding area was expanded to 3 kilometers, the amount of carbon stored in the ecosystem more than doubled to 191.7 Mt.

Irreversible carbon refers to carbon-rich land that must be protected to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Areas of irrecoverable carbon overlap with places that contain high concentrations of biodiversity.

This overlap is true for surf breaks, with nearly 17.2 Mt of the total 88.3 Mt of irrecoverable carbon found within key biodiversity areas. However, only 3% of this 17.2 Mt represents areas of high carbon and biodiversity that are officially protected.

Protecting surf ecosystems can help prevent the carbon that causes global warming and play a role in halting biodiversity loss. For example, enforcing laws in surf spots and surrounding areas from threats from tourism, irresponsible development, deforestation, mining, fishing and plastic pollution.

“Our research shows where, exactly, we need to focus our attention now on legal protection of these areas. Surfers around the world are fantastic allies for this kind of effort, they love the ocean. They’ve helped lead the way in creating all of the surf protected areas we’ve built together,” said Scott Atkinson, a surfer and senior director of surf conservation at Conservation International.

To date, Conservation International has worked with partners to establish 30 Surf Protected Areas in Indonesia, Costa Rica and Peru. Surf Protected Areas act as anchors and powerful levers to legally protect the wider surrounding ecosystem, including coastal forests, mangroves, beaches, seagrasses, coral reefs and the waves themselves.

More than half of these, 23 Surf Protected Areas, have been established in Indonesia, creating an effective community-based protection network. Collectively, the 23 sites form Indonesia’s first Surf Protected Area Network, covering more than 60,000 hectares and potentially expanding to hundreds of world-class surf spots across the country.

“The Morotai Island area in Indonesia protects valuable marine and coastal ecosystems and strengthens community ties and cultural heritage. The local community has been surfing on handmade wooden boards since at least World War II and has a strong surfing culture,” Atkinson said.

“In addition, local livelihoods related to surfing and conservation are starting to thrive with eco-tourism and sustainable fishing practices becoming the norm. Community involvement in conservation efforts has fostered a sense of pride and ownership that demonstrates the power of grassroots initiatives in achieving sustainable environmental and social benefits,” Atkinson said.

Original research

Bukoski, J. J., Atkinson, S. R., Miller, M. A. S., Sancho-Gallegos, D. A., Arroyo, M., Koenig, K., Reineman, D. R., & Kittinger, J. N. (2024). Co-occurrence of surf breaks and carbon-dense ecosystems suggests opportunities for coastal conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, e13193. DOI:10.1111/csp2.13193

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