Mount Prau or Gunung Prahu is the highest peak on the Dieng Plateau in the province of Central Java, Indonesia, with grasslands extending from west to east. This is the second most beautiful after Mount Bromo to enjoy the most delicious morning coffee and breakfast along with the golden glow of the sunrise in Indonesia, surrounded by five legendary mountain peaks.
Mount Prahu is also nicknamed 'the mountain of thousand hills' to be one of the prima donnas for lovers of landscape and sunrise. Small hills and savannas with little trees there, while some of the lower peaks around it are Mount Sipandu, Mount Pangamun-amun and Mount Juranggrawah.
Hundreds of climbers visit this mountain peak during the holiday season, they usually leave at night and spend time in the camping ground to wait for the sunrise. Most of the Mount Prau climbers only arrive at the camping ground at an altitude of 2565 meters, while the highest peak is 2590 meters.
Both are the best places to watch the sun slowly emerge from Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. To the south is Mount Sumbing and Mount Sindoro, while to the west is Mount Slamet.
Mount Prahu is also one of the favorite mountains for public travelers where it has convenience and beautiful scenery. Lake Warna and hills in the Dieng Plateau are also visible from this place on a sunny day. Administratively, this mountain covers five districts: Kendal, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Batang, and Temanggung.
At least eight climbing routes to the top, but only six open to the public are Patak Banteng, Kali Lembu, Dieng Wetan, Dieng Kulon, Campurejo and Wates. The other two routes are Igirmranak and Kenjuran only for conservation and ranger routes.
Mount Prau is decorated with hills that are dominated by thatch, but you will find many Purwaceng (Pimpinella pruatjan), purple cantigi or mountain cantigi (Vaccinium varingifolium), and field of daisy flowers along the route.
June and July are the best times to visit Prahu Mountain where the dry season and sunny weather, but the coldest months at 0C at night and ice seeds envelop the grass and weeds on the slopes.
Mount Prahu is also nicknamed 'the mountain of thousand hills' to be one of the prima donnas for lovers of landscape and sunrise. Small hills and savannas with little trees there, while some of the lower peaks around it are Mount Sipandu, Mount Pangamun-amun and Mount Juranggrawah.
Hundreds of climbers visit this mountain peak during the holiday season, they usually leave at night and spend time in the camping ground to wait for the sunrise. Most of the Mount Prau climbers only arrive at the camping ground at an altitude of 2565 meters, while the highest peak is 2590 meters.
Both are the best places to watch the sun slowly emerge from Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. To the south is Mount Sumbing and Mount Sindoro, while to the west is Mount Slamet.
Mount Prahu is also one of the favorite mountains for public travelers where it has convenience and beautiful scenery. Lake Warna and hills in the Dieng Plateau are also visible from this place on a sunny day. Administratively, this mountain covers five districts: Kendal, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo, Batang, and Temanggung.
At least eight climbing routes to the top, but only six open to the public are Patak Banteng, Kali Lembu, Dieng Wetan, Dieng Kulon, Campurejo and Wates. The other two routes are Igirmranak and Kenjuran only for conservation and ranger routes.
Mount Prau is decorated with hills that are dominated by thatch, but you will find many Purwaceng (Pimpinella pruatjan), purple cantigi or mountain cantigi (Vaccinium varingifolium), and field of daisy flowers along the route.
June and July are the best times to visit Prahu Mountain where the dry season and sunny weather, but the coldest months at 0C at night and ice seeds envelop the grass and weeds on the slopes.