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Lady Susan's orchid (Pecteilis susannae)

Susanna's egret flower or Lady Susan's orchid ( Pecteilis susannae ) is a plant species in the Orchidaceae, a large to giant terrestrial orchid, growing upright, white flowers and large in karst to limestone landscapes and flowering December-January. P. susannae has an erect, thick, leafy stem with a basal sheath and is oval in shape with a pointed tip and has no stalk. Large flowers, stalks and ovaries 4-6 cm, shallow wings and hairless. Dorsal sepals erect, ovate to globose, 2.5-3 x 2-2.8 cm, blunt end rounded. Lateral sepals spread, broadly ovoid, slightly oblique, 2.5-4 x 1.2-2.2 cm, usually slightly longer than the dorsal sepals and blunt apex. Calyx linear lance-shaped, 7-12 x 2.5 mm, lip irregularly ovate and 2.5-4.0 x 2.5-4.4 cm. Lateral lobes broad, subflabellate, 1.6-2.2 x 1.8-2.4 cm, entire lateral margin, apical margins frayed torn. Mid-lobe linear-oblong, 18-30 x 4-6 mm, moderately fleshy and intact. Straight to gradually curved forward, 6-13 cm x 3-5 mm and poi

Giri pea (Chamaecrista pratensis)

Giri pea ( Chamaecrista pratensis ) is a species of plant in the Fabaceae, perennial, shrub, erect, up to 50 cm tall, branched, cylindrical stems, brown or green, hairy or hairless, grows in forests, agricultural fields, roadsides and wastelands of elevation of about 1000 meters. C. pratensis has leaves with short petioles, seated alternately, dark green and hairy. The strands have units, paired on straight bones and are cylindrical in shape. Leaf units are elongated, base and tip rounded or sharp. The flowers are disc-shaped, tend to close and have a bright yellow color. Pod-shaped fruit, elongated, straight or slightly curved, flat and hairy. The seeds are arranged along the length of the pod. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae Tribe: Cassieae Subtribe: Cassiinae Genus: Chamaecrista Species: Chamaecrista pratensis

Walking maidenhair fern (Adiantum philippense)

Walking maidenhair fern ( Adiantum philippense ) is a species in the Pteridaceae, suplir with tendrils tend to be unbranched, arising from a spreading rhizome, dangling or slightly erect, stalks are black and smooth. The leaves are bright green, slightly round in shape when they are small, but become half-moon-shaped when they are large. Flat surface. Sori at the edges and protected by leaf edge folds. Walking maidenhair fern grows to form colonies, easy to grow in lowlands to highlands, damp places, banks of ditches or rivers, cliffs, rock fractures or walls. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Class: Polypodiopsida Subclass: Polypodiidae Order: Polypodiales Suborder: Pteridineae Family: Pteridaceae Subfamily: Vittarioideae Genus: Adiantum Species: Adiantum philippense Subspecies: Adiantum philippense ssp. intermedium, Adiantum philippense ssp. philippense, Adiantum philippense ssp. teestae

Java plum (Syzygium cumini)

Duwet or jamblang or Java plum ( Syzygium cumini ) is a species in Myrtaceae, a small or medium sized tree, sturdy, leaves grow all year round, woody stem, 10-30 meters in diameter, white, crooked, up to 20 meters high, reverberant up to 90 cm, low branched and titled round or irregular. S. cumini has thick leaves, seated opposite and stalks 1-3.5 cm long. Strands oval to oval, 5-25 cm long, 2-10 cm wide. Wide base to round, blunt to tapered end and flat edge. Dark green color, shiny on the upper side, slightly smells of turpentine when crushed and young leaves are bright red. Inflorescences in panicles, appear on the branches, tenuous, have 1-3 branches. Small flowers, sitting tightly, 3-8 buds at each end of the stalk and fragrant. Calyx broad bell-shaped, 4-6 mm high, yellow to purplish. Crown is round and loose, 3 mm, white-gray to bright red and falls easily. Stamens 4-7 mm and pistils 6-7 mm. The fruit is oval to ovoid in shape, often bent and 1-5 cm long. The skin is thin, sm

Native bryony (Diplocyclos palmatus)

Native bryony ( Diplocyclos palmatus ) is a plant species in the Cucurbitaceae, herbaceous perennial, climbing, stems cylindrical, green, soft, branched, soft, threaded stem ends to attach to supports, growing in bushes, forests and agricultural land. D. palmatus has finger-shaped leaves, 5-7 lobes, each having a main vein with several minor veins, apex sharp, toothed margins and dark green in color. The leaves have long stalks. The fruit is round, green when young and red when old, white linear stripes and short stalks. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Cucurbitales Family: Cucurbitaceae Tribe: Benincaseae Genus: Diplocyclos Species: Diplocyclos palmatus Subspecies: Diplocyclos palmatus ssp. affinis, Diplocyclos palmatus ssp. palmatus

Climbing bridelia (Bridelia stipularis)

Climbing bridelia ( Bridelia stipularis ) is a species of plant in the Phyllanthaceae, evergreen, growing climbing on large trees or shrubs or fences, stems cylindrical, woody and stiff, bark brown, bare and branching. B. stipularis has leaves that sit alternate and opposite, oval in shape, a major vein in the middle, minor veins laterally, green on top, pale underside. Leaves have short stalks. Inflorescences grow in the axils of the leaves, star-shaped and green or red. The fruits grow in the axils of the leaves, clustered, round or slightly oval in shape, smooth surface, green in color and change to red and black. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Phyllanthaceae Subfamily: Phyllanthoideae Tribe: Bridelieae Genus: Bridelia Species: Bridelia stipularis

Creeping coldenia (Coldenia procumbens)

Creeping coldenia ( Coldenia procumbens ) is a species of plant in the Boraginaceae, perennial herb, lying and creeping on the ground, radiating stems with many branches and up to 40 cm long. C. procumbens has leaves that are arranged alternately along the stem, oval to almost round, about 2.5 cm long, covered with dense hairs and toothed to almost lobed margins. Flowers solitary, small, white, mostly hidden between the leaves. Fruit ovoid, 4-5 mm in diameter, lobed 4, beak with irregular protrusions. Creeping coldenia grows in floodplains and riverbanks that are seasonally inundated, mostly on sandy or silty soil at elevations up to 750 meters. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Boraginales Family: Boraginaceae Subfamily: Cordioideae Genus: Coldenia Species: Coldenia procumbens

Menjing (Alchornea rugosa)

Menjing ( Alchornea rugosa ) is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae, shrub or small tree, cylindrical stem, 1.5-5 meters high, petiole 0.5-3 cm long. leaf length 10-21 cm, leaf width 4-10 cm, thin, blunt base and jagged edges. A. rugosa has flowers in terminal, branched, 7-25 cm long. Flowers are yellow or white or green. Fruits are round with linear indentations like crystals. It grows in dense forests or open forests with elevations up to 600 meters and adapts well to dry soils, red soils and flooded soils. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Euphorbiaceae Subfamily: Acalyphoideae Tribe: Alchorneeae Subtribe: Alchorneinae Genus: Alchornea Species: Alchornea rugosa

White dotted greenbrier (Smilax leucophylla)

Canar or white dotted greenbrier ( Smilax leucophylla ) is a species of plant in the Smilacaceae, climbing plants, stems have tendrils, dark green stems, cylindrical stems and red or brown stiff spines. S. leucophylla has oval-shaped leaves extending to oval wide, sitting alternately, 10-32 cm long and 4-22 cm wide. Leaves have 3-5 veins. The upper side surface is dark green, glossy and white spots. Flowers appear in the leaf axils. Male flowers are pale white or greenish yellow or brown. The fruit is round, red and black when ripe and stemmed. Seeds are round, located in the middle of the fruit and 1-6 seeds. Canar grows in dry to moist soil in jungles, river banks to ravines and adapts to a pH of 4-6.2. The plant is used as rheumatism, syphilis, ulcers, menstrual disorders, hemorrhoids, swelling due to sprains, antiseptic, antibacterial, stomachache and antidote. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Liliales Family: Smilacace

Giga grass (Cymbopogon rectus)

Giga grass ( Cymbopogon rectus ) is a species of plant in the Poaceae, perennial, growing in clumps, up to 3 meters high, having many large fibrous roots, erect or sloping stems, clustered, hollow, green to yellow in color. C. rectus has ribbon-shaped leaves, like paper, curved, increasingly pointed towards the end, green, a large linear bone in the middle and a rough surface. Flowers in panicles and grows at the tips. Giga grass grows wild in colonies on forest slopes, roadsides, abandoned land and elevations up to 1000 meters. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Poales Family: Poaceae Subfamily: Panicoideae Tribe: Andropogoneae Genus: Cymbopogon Species: Cymbopogon rectus

Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria)

Temu putih or white tumeric or zedoary ( Curcuma zedoaria ) is a species of plant in the Zingiberaceae, herbaceous perennial, up to 50 cm high, leaves lanceolate elongated, green and purple along the midrib. Flowers come out of the side rhizome, towering upwards to form a large flower head. The corolla is white or green with red or yellow at the top and edges. The rhizome is white or bright yellow. Zedoary grows wild at elevations up to 1000 meters and has been commercialized for its rhizome medicinal and medicinal uses. Natural products are widely used in the perfume industry, dyes for the food and drug industries or drug mixtures. The rhizome is used as a cure for scurvy, skin inflammation, blood washing, flatulence and other disorders of the digestive tract. Research shows antitumor, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Zingiberales Family: Zingiberaceae Subfamily: Zin

Purple yam (Dioscorea alata)

Uwi or purple yam ( Dioscorea alata ) is a species of plant in the Dioscoreaceae, climbing shrub up to 10 meters, fibrous root system, tubers round or flat long and branched. The skin of the tuber is brown to blackish-brown and coarsely grooved. The inner tubers are white or purple or yellow and slimy. Male flowers are yellow or greenish and female flowers are yellow. Compound inflorescence, in the axils of the leaves, the male grains are tightly packed, 12-50 cm long, green crown and 2 mm long. Stem has 4 corners with fins, climbing to the right, not spiny but sometimes rough or speckled at the base and green or purplish in color. Leaves are ovate or heart or arrow-shaped or lance-shaped, single, alternate at the base, opposite at the top, bright green or often slightly purplish, 15-20 cm long and 10-15 cm wide. Tubers and young leaves are cooked in various ways as food ingredients. The tubers can be processed as flour or thin pieces or for the manufacture of alcohol. Cultivars wi

Blood lily (Scadoxus multiflorus)

Blood lily or Haemanthus multiflorus ( Scadoxus multiflorus ) is a species of plant in the Amaryllidaceae, a bulbous shrub that produces rhizomes. Leaves and flowers may appear together or leaves may be produced later. The base of the leaves and stems are tightly wrapped to form a pseudo-stem or false stem, 5-60 cm long. Flowers in umbels at the top of the stem, leafless, 12-75 cm long. Pseudostems and scapes are often covered with reddish brown to dark purple spots. The flower umbel is in the shape of a globe with 10-200 individual flowers. Each flower has a stalk, 15-45 mm long. The tepals and filaments of the stamens are red. The base of the tepals is fused to form a cylindrical tube, 4-26 mm long, the free end of the tepals 12-32 mm long, narrow and spreading. The fruit is a berry having a diameter of 5-10 mm. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Asparagales Family: Amaryllidaceae Subfamily: Amaryllidoideae Tribe: Haemantheae Ge

Chinese swimming scorpion (Lychas mucronatus)

Chinese swimming scorpion ( Lychas mucronatus ) is a species of animal in the Buthidae, total length 21-90 mm, yellow-brown in color with blackish patterns on the body, legs and the last segment of the metasoma. The upper side surface has a pattern of yellow spots. The tail consists of large, rounded segments with black tips. Males are distinguished from females in that the proximal pedipalp finger is curved and the edges do not meet. L. mucronatus lives in grasslands, shrubs, moor and surrounding habitats tree. These scorpions occupy four characteristic types of microhabitats including leaf litter, weathered wood, in the soil, and under rocks. Most commonly found in grassland and shrub habitat with sloping contours with microhabitat under rocks. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Chelicerata Class: Arachnida Order: Scorpiones Suborder: Neoscorpionina Infraorder: Orthosterni Parvorder: Buthida Superfamily: Buthoidea Family: Buthidae Genus: Lychas Species: Lychas mucro

Awned panick grass (Oplismenus compositus)

Awned panick grass ( Oplismenus compositus ) is a species of plant in the Poaceae, 15-150 cm long, leaves lanceolate or ovate, 2-16 cm long, 8-35 mm wide, strands veined and have transverse veins, pointed or slightly pointed ends. . O. compositus has racema composed of inflorescences, grows on the side of the central axis, unilateral and 2.5-11 cm long. The middle inflorescence axis is 5-25 cm long with angular rachis and pilose at the bottom. The spikelets are arranged in 2 rows, namely fertile, pedicelled and sessile. Stem oblong. The spikelet also has one basal sterile floret and one fertile floret. 2.5-4 mm long and lanceolate. Glumes are shorter than spikelets and thinner than fertile lemmas. The bottom is ovoid with a tent length of 3-10 mm. The upper glume is ovoid, obtuse and 0-4 mm long. The flower buds are 2-2.5 mm long, pubescent, emarginate and mucronate. The florets and glumes have a keel. Glume is 5 items and florets are 7-11 items. Fruit linear and 0.5 mm long. King

Srengseng (Benstonea kurzii)

Srengseng ( Benstonea kurzii ) is a species of plant in the Pandanaceae, shrub, 1-2 meters high, short stems or no trunks, 2 cm in diameter at the lower end, brownish, without spines, mostly or completely lying on the ground or climbing on the stems other plants and without root. B. kurzii has ribbon-shaped leaves, narrow, 92-150 cm long, 2.5-4.0 cm wide, chartaceous, two linear folds, cross section forming the letter M and a prominent vein on the underside. Thorns along the margins and veins of the lower side. Compound fruit, almost round to broadly oval, 5.5-8 cm long, 3.5-4.3 cm wide and composed of 168-308 drupe. The fruit is brown, single and erect at the end of the stem. Srengseng grows at an elevation of 20-1000 meters, in tropical rain forests. The leaves are traditionally woven to make a kind of mat, hood or wrapper for brown sugar. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Pandanales Family: Pandanaceae Genus: Benstonea Specie

Northern wattle (Acacia crassicarpa)

Northern wattle ( Acacia crassicarpa ) is a species of plant in the Fabaceae, small or medium tree, up to 25 meters tall, upright trunk, up to 50 cm in diameter, bark brown or gray or dark red, hard, linearly fissured fibrous . A. crassicarpa has crescent-shaped leaves, 8-27 cm long, 1-4.5 cm wide, grayish green or silvery green, pointed at the tip, has three main veins and is yellowish in color. The inflorescences are grain-shaped, bright yellow and 4-7 cm long. The flower stalks are thick, 5-10 mm long, five-strand corolla 1.3-1.6 mm long and bisexual. The pods are flat and wide. Seeds are round, flat and black. Northern wattle easily adapts to the environment, tolerant of pH 3.5-6, grows at elevations of 200-700 meters and rainfall of 1000-2500 mm/year. Salt tolerant in soil, sandy, silt, poorly drained soil and near the sea. It grows in dry areas such as savanna and monsoon forests. Wood is used as raw material for making pulp and paper, building construction, furniture and raw

Foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata)

Foxtail palm ( Wodyetia bifurcata ) is a species of plant in the Arecaceae, palm with a stout trunk, slightly swollen lower stem and a bottleneck below the stem, 10 meters high and a brown or gray surface. W. bifurcata has cylindrical and green leaf stalks. The strands are ribbon-shaped, green in color and have a vein in the middle. Strands grow around the stalk. Flowers have white stalks and grow from the base of the crown stem. The fruit is 2 inches long, olive to green in early stages and red-orange when ripe. Foxtail palm grows solitary in dry soils, red clay deposits, black clay deposits or slightly sandy. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Arecales Family: Arecaceae Subfamily: Arecoideae Genus: Wodyetia Species: Wodyetia bifurcata

Crystal bell orchid (Didymoplexis pallens)

Crystal bell orchid ( Didymoplexis pallens ) is a species of plant in the Orchidaceae, terrestrial mycotrophic orchid, leafless, having a fleshy rhizome, single and erect stem, 6-25 cm tall, branched, cylindrical and white or cream in color. D. pallens has white, trumpet-shaped flowers with sepals and petals similar in size and shape and fused about half the length, 6-8 mm long, 8-10 mm wide. The labellum is wedge-shaped, 6-7 mm long and 9-10 mm wide with the sides curved upwards. There were two or three rows of callus along the midline of the labellum. Crystal bell orchid grows in the shade, under clumps of bamboo, moist soil and black clay deposits. Plants appear during the first rains of the rainy season or at the end of the season. Flowers open only one day. The emergence of this orchid is triggered by the right and balanced symbiotic relationship with microorganisms. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Liliopsida Order: Asparagales Family:

Hop-headed barleria (Barleria lupulina)

Landik or hop-headed barleria ( Barleria lupulina ) is a species of plant in the Acanthaceae, shrubs, 1-2 meters high, woody stems, smooth, sometimes glossy, branched, cylindrical and dark red or black or dark brown in color. B. lupulina has opposite leaves, the stalk is very short, the base of the stalk has a pair of thorns and is red-purple. The strands are lanceolate elongated, thick and stiff, dark green and shiny, the main vein is red, 5-10 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm wide. Flowers erect or slightly nodding, on grains 3.5-9 cm long and golden yellow. Protective leaves erect, pinnate, green with purple top, short hair. Hairy petals. The fruit is 1.5 cm long and green. Seeds are flat and dark brown in color. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Lamiales Family: Acanthaceae Subfamily: Acanthoideae Tribe: Barlerieae Genus: Barleria Species: Barleria lupulina

Red eucalyptus (Eucalyptus pellita)

Red eucalyptus or red mahogany ( Eucalyptus pellita ) is a species of plant in the Myrtaceae, medium to tall tree, growing up to 40 meters tall cylindrical trunk, bark is rough or fibrous or flaky, dark red or grayish or brown in color. E. pellita has green, glossy leaves on the upper side, broad lance-shaped to egg-shaped, 100-230 mm long, 30-65 mm wide and tapering to the stalk. Flower buds are arranged in leaf axils on flat, unbranched stalks, 12-32 mm long and individual buds on stalks 6-7 mm long. Mature shoots are oval, 15-16 mm long and 9-10 mm wide with a conical or beaked operculum. The fruit is woody, cup-shaped to capsule or conical, 6-11 mm long and 8-14 mm wide with the valve protruding strongly above the edge. Red eucalyptus grows in open forests, especially on gentle slopes, in wet or dry areas, nearshore forests and lowlands. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Myrtales Family: Myrtaceae Subfamily: Myrtoidea

Javan plover (Charadrius javanicus)

Cerek jawa or Javan plover ( Charadrius javanicus ) is a type of animal in the Charadriidae, lake birds or shorebirds, 15 cm long, short and black in color, living near waters including coasts, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and sandy meadows. C. javanicus has brown and white colors in males and females. The head is more reddish-brown, the legs are pale and the stripes on the chest are not black. The white color of the back collar usually does not connect. Iris brown, bill black, limbs gray olive green or pale brown. A soft, repeating sound in a single rising "kwiik" note. The sound of time flying or walking fast is a "tick" or "tick" or "chick". Live solitary or in small groups. Often mingles with other water birds. They eat crustaceans and sea worms. Females produce up to three eggs, are pale brown in color with dark brown spots and patches, irregular and laid in shallow depressions on sand or gravel. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylu

Turpeth (Operculina turpethum)

Telo giri or Turpeth ( Operculina turpethum ) is a species of plant in the Convolvulaceae, herbaceous, climbing, cylindrical stem with three fins, dark green or red in color, 4-5 meters long and branched. O. turpethum has a leaf shape that varies widely from ovate or heart or oblong with a pointed or pointed tip, a main vein in the middle with many lateral veins. Solitary flowers, trumpet-shaped and white. The fruit is a capsule with enlarged sepals, thickened pedicles and has 2-4 seeds each. The seeds are round and black in color. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Solanales Family: Convolvulaceae Subfamily: Convolvuloideae Tribe: Merremieae Genus: Operculina Species: Operculina turpethum

Javanese rose-apple (Memecylon caeruleum)

Javanes kulis or bengkulu or Javanese rose-apple ( Memecylon caeruleum ) is a species of plant in the Melastomataceae, shrub or small tree, 1-6 meters tall but sometimes up to 12 meters tall, cylindrical stem, smooth bark, young stalk green and dark brown stalks. M. caeruleum has leaves oblong to elliptical, 8-11 cm long, 3-6 cm wide, flat margins, thick, a main vein in the middle with many pinnate small veins and dark green in color. The petals are white to yellowish green and the stamens are blue. The fruit is obovoid, bright red to dark red when young and purple to black when ripe, 1-1.5 cm in diameter and juicy exocarp. Bengkulu grows in open forests, dense forests, agricultural land, karst ecosystems, dry lands and drought resistance. The trunk of the bush is used for firewood. Young leaves or shoots and fruit are edible. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Myrtales Family: Melastomataceae Subfamily: Olisbeoideae Genus:

White frangipani (Plumeria obtusa)

White frangipani ( Plumeria obtusa ) is a species of plant in the Apocynaceae, a small tree, growing up to 4.6 meters in height, cylindrical trunk, thin bark, not woody, branched and thick white gummy. P. obtusa has ovate or teardrop-shaped or elongated oval leaves, up to 20 cm long, dark green and glossy on top, pale underside. The flowers are disc-shaped, white, yellow-throated and each has five petals. The flowers are fragrant and bloom in clusters. iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen> Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Gentianales Family: Apocynaceae Subfamily: Rauvolfioideae Tribe: Plumerieae Subtribe: Plumeriinae Genus: Plumeria Species: Plumeria obtusa

Korean mulberry (Morus indica)

Murbei or Korean mulberry ( Morus indica ) is a species of plant in Moraceae, shrub or small tree, up to 10 meters tall, slow growing, cylindrical stem, light brown with white nodules, M. indica has heart-shaped or oval-shaped leaves and sometimes three-lobed, 4-12.5 cm long, 2.5-7.5 cm wide, pointed tip, serrated margin, green and has a stalk. Monoecious inflorescences with male and female grow on the same tree, though often on different branches. Male flowers have a size of 9-11.5 mm and are covered with fine hairs. The female flowers are subglubose or only round in shape, measuring 6-9.5 mm. Stigma is 3.5 mm long with short, thick hair. The female flowers form compound fruit and are fleshy, green and white-haired to white, red and black when ripe. Korean mulberry is used in regulating blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Rosales Family: Moraceae Genus: Morus Species: Morus indica

Pepper elder (Peperomia pellucida)

Suruhan or pepper elder ( Peperomia pellucida ) is a species of plant in the Piperaceae, annual herb, shallow roots, succulent stems, cylindrical, bright green or reddish, glossy, up to 15-45 cm tall, grows in shady places on the forest floor and cliffs. P. pellucida has heart-shaped leaves, fleshy, flat margins, green and glossy upper side, pale underside and radial veins. Fruit in panicles with long spike-like stalks, erect. The fruit is round like a point, green and turns black. Flowering all year round, this plant is found in a variety of shady and humid habitats. It grows in clumps in loose, moist soil and tropical to subtropical climates. All parts are edible. Often used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic, to treat stomach pain, swelling, acne, colic, aches, headaches, urinary disorders, joint pain due to rheumatism, gout and treat urinary disorders. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Piperales Family:

Lawn wolf spider (Hippasa holmerae)

Laba-laba embun or lawn wolf spider ( Hippasa holmerae ) is a species of animal in the Lycosidae, small, brown, white, cotton-like knitted nests that clump on the grass above the ground. H. holmerae has an oval head segment, brown or greenish in color with white striped margins and white hairs. The upper surface is flat, the front is blackish with white lines. The abdominal segment is oval in shape and is brown or blackish or greenish in color. The top surface is decorated with black and white stripes. The legs are brown, white and black which alternately form rings. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Chelicerata Class: Arachnida Order: Araneae Suborder: Araneomorphae Infraorder: Entelegynae Superfamily: Lycosoidea Family: Lycosidae Subfamily: Hippasinae Genus: Hippasa Species: Hippasa holmerae Subspecies: Hippasa holmerae ssp. sundaica

Crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii)

Kaktus giwang or crown of thorns ( Euphorbia milii ) is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae, a sub-shrub or shrub, woody succulent, erect, up to 1.8 meters high, thorny stems dense, straight and slender, up to 3 cm long to help creep over the plant other. E. milii has leaves at the tips of new shoots, oval in shape, green, thick and fleshy. Flowers have a pair of conspicuous petal-like bracts, red or pink or white, up to 12 mm wide. Crown of thorns grows at 4-40C in open, sunny but tolerant of little shade and low rainfall. It is widely used as an ornamental and medicinal plant. Flowers are used to treat uterine bleeding, stem shoots for hepatitis, leaves for burns and stems for ulcers. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malpighiales Family: Euphorbiaceae Subfamily: Euphorbioideae Tribe: Euphorbieae Subtribe: Euphorbiinae Genus: Euphorbia Subgenus: Euphorbia Section: Goniostema Species: Euphorbia milii Subspecies: Euphorbi

Monkey bush (Abutilon guineense)

Monkey bush ( Abutilon guineense ) is a species of plant in the Malvaceae, shrub, erect, cylindrical stem, erect, sturdy, branched, green or reddish in color, grows in forests, agricultural land and roadsides. A. guineense has large, heart-shaped leaves, pointed tip, radial veins, toothed margin or can be flat, bright green above, pale underside. The leaves have long stalks, grow at different points or alternate along the stem and are green or reddish in color. The flowers are fan-shaped, yellow and have long stalks. The fruit is a pod-like capsule. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malvales Family: Malvaceae Subfamily: Malvoideae Tribe: Malveae Genus: Abutilon Species: Abutilon guineense Variety: Abutilon guineense. var. guineense, Abutilon guineense var. forrestii

Porcupine flower (Barleria prionitis)

Landep or porcupine flower ( Barleria prionitis ) is a species of plant in the Acanthaceae, shrub, branched, up to 1.8 meters high, lower leaf axils have spines 1-2 cm long, stems and branches terete, smooth, lenticels and glabrous. B. prionitis has elliptical to ovate leaves, 4-10.5 cm long, 1.8-5.5 cm wide, both surfaces pubescent when young but soon become glabrous. Flowers are golden yellow, clustered in the axils of the upper leaves or in the bracts. Apical spinous calyx lobes and crown are yellowish to orange in color. Porcupine flower grows on forest floors, meadows, plantations, roadsides, shrubs and dry places with elevations up to 600 meters. This plant is used in traditional medicine to treat whooping cough and tuberculosis, infected wounds, toothache, ulcers and swollen glands, rheumatism and prevent maceration. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Lamiales Family: Acanthaceae Subfamily: Acanthoideae Tribe: Barleriea

Glandur (Mycetia cauliflora)

Glandur ( Mycetia cauliflora ) is a plant species in the Rubiaceae, perennial shrub, erect, up to 2 meters high, cylindrical stem, woody, branched, bark dark brown and rough, grows on shady forest floors, plantations and roadsides. M. cauliflora has leaves oblong-lanceolate to obovate, 5-24 cm long, 1.5-8 cm wide, dark green, glabrous upper surface, pinnate base, pointed tip, a main vein in the middle with many small pinnate veins. Inflorescence terminal, 2-10 cm long, puberulent, bract and bracteole are lanceolate, pedicle 10-27 mm long, petal lobe 2-3.5 mm long, corolla tube length 8-20 mm, corolla indument glabrous externally. The fruit is round to elongated oval, plain white. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Gentianales Family: Rubiaceae Subfamily: Rubioideae Tribe: Argostemmateae Genus: Mycetia Species: Mycetia cauliflora

Gold dust weevil (Hypomeces pulviger)

Gold dust weevil ( Hypomeces pulviger ) is a species of animal in the Curculionidae, the adult beetle is 14 mm long, green or blue or black in color and the whole body is covered with green or yellowish green dust-like scales. H. pulviger has a head with a wide, long snout and a chewing mouth. A pair of big, black eyes. A pair of blunt antennas. Cylindrical legs. The larvae are legless maggots and pupate in the soil, feeding on the roots of living plants. Adult beetles are long-lived, eating leaves. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Hexapoda Class: Insecta Subclass: Pterygota Order: Coleoptera Suborder: Polyphaga Infraorder: Cucujiformia Superfamily: Curculionoidea Family: Curculionidae Subfamily: Entiminae Tribe: Tanymecini Genus: Hypomeces Species: Hypomeces pulviger

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

Cantel or sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) is a species of plant in the Poaceae, perennial but also perennial shrub, growing in clumps, up to 4 meters high, growing in a wide range of temperatures, upland, toxic soils and recovering growth after several droughts. S. bicolor has ribbon-shaped leaves, a large linear vein in the center and is green. Flowers in panicles at the ends of the stems with long stalks. Small grains with a diameter of 2-4 mm. Sorghum being one of the most drought tolerant plants, has a very large root to leaf surface area ratio. At times of drought will roll up the leaves to reduce water loss through transpiration. If the drought continues, it will go into dormancy rather than die. The leaves are protected by a waxy cuticle and use C4 carbon fixation so that they use only one-third of the amount of water required by C3 plants. Grains are used as food, alcohol, animal feed or bio-based ethanol. Gluten-free seeds, high in resistant starch and more abundant and diverse

Klampis (Vachellia tomentosa)

Klampis acacia ( Vachellia tomentosa ) is a species of plant in the Fabaceae, a small tree, 5-10 meters high, cylindrical trunk up to 50 cm wide, bark light brown, leaf drop, umbrella-like crown, grows in dry areas. V. tomentosa has dark red and shiny young branches. The spines are large and long, straight and dark red. The old branches are light brown. Compound leaves, pinnate and sitting alternately. Compound flowers in the form of heads, stalks 2.5 cm long and gathered in the armpits of the leaves near the end of the twig. Flowers are white or yellowish white. Crown 2.8-3.5 mm and stamens 5 mm. The pods are dark brown, flat thin, slightly bulging at the seed, straight or bent, 9-18 cm long, 0.8-1 cm wide, longitudinal veins and split on both sides. Seeds are flat, oblong or oval, 6.5-9 mm long and 4-5.5 mm wide. Klampis usually grows in savanna, teak forest, scrub forest and areas near the coast at elevations up to 500 meters. The wood is used as firewood, hoe handles and sickle

Collared kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris)

Collared kingfisher ( Todiramphus chloris ) is a species of animal in the Alcedinidae, 23-25 cm long, males weighing 51-90 grams, females weighing 54-100 grams, living around streams in forests and agricultural land. T. chloris varies in color from blue to green on the top, while the underside can be white or buff and a white collar around the neck. Some breeds have a white stripe or buff above the eyes, while others have a white spot between the eyes and the beak. There may be a black line through the eye. The bill is large and black with a pale yellow base to the lower jaw. Females tend to be greener than males. Juveniles are duller in color than adults with dark scaly markings on the neck and chest. They have a variety of vocations that vary geographically. The most common call is a loud, metallic "kee-kee-kee" which is repeated several times. The river lion mainly feeds on small crabs and shrimp. They also eat beetles, crickets, grasshoppers, moths and butterflies, spi

Lesser balloon vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum)

Ketipes or Lesser balloon vine ( Cardiospermum halicacabum ) is a species of plant in the Sapindaceae, herbaceous, climbing up to 10 meters, very dense and perennial, stems cylindrical, green, grooved, bald to slightly hairy. C. halicacabum has triangular leaves, 5-6 cm long, spread on the stem, divided into stalks and pinnate leaves. The edges of the leaves are serrated. The flowers are fan-shaped, four white to yellowish petals ovate and 3 mm long, the upper two are each decorated with hairy scales and the lower two have large leaf-shaped scales and two glands. The fruit capsule is pear-shaped, membranous, almost round or wide, 3-5 cm in diameter, green and brown when ripe. The capsule has three chambers, each with one black seed, kidney-shaped, 6 mm in diameter and at the base there is a heart-shaped white aryl with a width of 5 mm. The green part of the plant is eaten as a vegetable. The root is used as a diuretic, pain reliever, emetic, laxative, rubefacient, rheumatism, nervou

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Kunyit or turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) is a species of plant in the Zingiberaceae, herbaceous perennial, up to 1 meter tall, aromatic rhizome, branched, cylindrical, yellow and thin skin, yellow to orange inside. C. longa has leaves sitting alternately and arranged in two rows, divided into leaf midrib, petiole and blade. The leaf midrib forms a false stem. The petiole is 50-115 cm long. The leaf blade is simple, usually 76-115 cm long and rarely up to 230 cm. 38-45 cm wide, extending to an ellipse and narrowing at the tip. At the top of the inflorescence, there are stem bracts where there are no flowers, white to green and sometimes reddish purple in color and the upper tip is tapered. Hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic and triple. Three sepals, 0.8-1.2 cm long, fused, white in color, have fine hairs and three unequal calyx teeth. The three petals are bright yellow, fused into a crown tube and up to 3 cm long. The three crown lobes are 1.0–1.5 cm (3⁄8–5⁄8 in) long and triangular i

Egyptian acacia (Vachellia nilotica)

Egyptian acacia ( Vachellia nilotica ) is a species of plant in the Fabaceae, tree up to 20 meters tall, densely rounded crown, irregularly cylindrical stem, branching, bark dark to black and fissures to form linear, young trees having thin spines and mature trees are generally spineless. V. nilotica has bipinnate leaves, 3-6 pairs of pinnulae and 10-30 pairs of leaflets with rounded tips, green, tomentose and rachis with glands on the underside of the last pair of pinnulae. Flowers on the head round, 1.2-1.5 cm in diameter, bright yellow, in the armpit or coiled on a stalk 2-3 cm long located at the end of the branch. The pods are very limited, hairy, white-grey, thick and soft tomentose. Egyptian acacia can thrive in dry areas and flooded areas with an elevation of 10-1340 meters, tolerant of an annual rainfall of 3.8 dm, an annual temperature of 18-50C and a soil pH of 5-8. Kingdom: Plantae Phylum: Tracheophyta Subphylum: Angiospermae Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Fabales Fam