Beehive ginger ( Zingiber spectabile ) is a species of plant in the Zingiberaceae, herbaceous shrub, growing erect, leaves and flowers growing from the rhizome and separate, leaves long and mostly oblong, tapering to a point at the tip, up to 4.5 meters or even more. Z. spectabile has elongated leaves with band-shaped units, sitting opposite, horizontal, pointed tip, a main vein moving linearly in the middle, thick, green on top and pale underside. Inflorescences appear at the tips of the spikes, erect, up to 30 cm high. Bracts attached to the structure, are white or yellow or orange or red or a combination, often dark in color as they mature and develop. Small flowers, purple petals and yellow spots with a crumbly paper texture. Beehive ginger is used as a cut flower that is able to adapt widely in the lowlands to the highlands. Flowering in October to February and will repeat again in the same year. The growing period requires shade with a light intensity of 45%. Kingdom: Plan
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